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To realize the ‘ideal sale’ for you, it’s best to start by exploring and exposing the value drivers of you and your company. For example the breakdown and development of your customer base, an overview of the R&D department, of your product roadmap, review of your legal contracts – including labor contracts – and e.g. a multi-year overview of your historical, estimated financials for the coming 2 years.

RCDC will provide you at the same time with in-depth intel about potential buyers. Is the interest just financially driven or will your product fill a gap in the portfolio of the buyer?
Or is the buyer searching for technology to roll out your solution to other markets and countries.
In any case, this process of ‘initial map and match’ is the essential key to a fast and easy sales process.
Also in the situation when you are already approached by a potential buyer before you hire RCDC as your M&A advisor in order to line up alternative buyers.

In ‘sell side’ deals you see, in general, the following structure:

  • Explore and expose value drivers in Information Memorandum (Pitchbook)
  • Defining long and shortlist of potential buyers (detailed map and match)
  • Introduction at shortlisted potential buyers and realizing indicative bids
  • Signing letter of intent (LOI)
  • Due diligence and managing findings
  • Sale/purchase agreement and closing

RCDC is very experienced in making your value drivers visible and a successful deal maker and process manager. We will be proud to be selected as your trusted advisor during all these steps.