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To scale a software or a SaaS business.

RCDC offers advice to shareholders and executive management of a software vendor how to grow their business. We can assist you in e.g.:

  • The transition from a license model to SaaS (product, financials, R&D, legal)
  • White label and OEM business models
  • Internationalization of products, marketing and the organisation
  • Implementing (worldwide) product management
  • Product portfolio management
  • Establishing relationships with global IT industry analyst firms
  • (Personal) coaching of founders / management
  • (M)anagement (B)uy (O)uts and or (M)anagement (B)uy (I)ns
  • Fundraising (or bank loan) process for organic or acquisitive growth plans
  • Implementing an advisory or a non- executive board.

RCDC has hands on experience to grow, organically and by means of acquisition software and SaaS company’s in every stage. From start, to scale-up and to exit.